I set out for home
because all I know is this:
I'm lost and I'm weighed down
and where I've
built the house of a life--
it's not my home
But I'm the foolish one
who's stone-blind
to the one thing
I really need to know:
God's my home
and I'm already in Him--
I'm already home
I wonder how
I've spent a whole life
for what's been here
all along,
but none of that
matters now,
only this:
I've been found
and I've been held
and I've been
given a new name.
Because God is love
and I am loved--
yes, Love is my home.
Now I finally hear it
sure and strong,
every heartbeat
drumming it out loud:
"Welcome home, Beloved.
Welcome home."
This poem's been a year in the making, my third Psalm of Ascent. You can read the rest of the story behind the third Psalm of Ascent here: If You're Looking for a Home .
To catch up on the whole series:
First Psalm of Ascent:
How to Begin the Long Road
Second Psalm of Ascent:
When You're In Need of Protection
When You Want to Make the Words Your Own

Giving thanks for a week of Him....
2301. Waking up to a new year with hope and anticipation
2302. Rooftops covered in frost
2303. Clocking of for work on New Year's Day and finding there isn't any
2304. Mom and Dad helping me undecorate the Christmas tree
2305. Dad trying to vacuum up the needles and making a mess of things instead
2306. Me laughing so hard at Dad that I've got tears running down my cheeks
2307. Christmas decorations all back in their boxes, and the boxes all back in storage
2308. That big empty space where the tree used to stand
2309. Leaving a garland of beads across the window and paper snowflakes all over the walls--a bit of cheer to welcome in the new year.
2310. Another day without work, a chance to exercise the trust muscles
2311. God Who always provides, even when the job doesn't
2312. Dad and me cooking dinner together
2313. Sunny skies all day, the air cold cold COLD
2314. That golden horizon at sunset, me stretching the arm out the window to capture the beauty with a camera
2315. Friend's baby girl arriving safe in the world at long last, her name meaning Balm of God
2316. Amaryllis bud now half a foot tall
2317. Work! A full day!!
2318. Buddy Cat sunbathing on my desk, him on his back with all four legs in the air
2319. Sun streaming in the window all morning, me having to strip off sweater and blanket
2320. Annabelle Cat moving back and forth from sun to shade--too hot! too cold! too hot!
2321. Packing a whole bag of teas to bring to a friend's house
2322. Celebrating her birthday with tea and pie and one solitary candle
2323. Afternoon full of laughter and friendship and sweet conversation
2324. Picking up the knitting project twice in one day, finding a rhythm after long weeks of busyness
2325. Morning without work, time for writing, knitting, and breathing
2326. Being emptied out by God, Him making room for Himself
2327. Feeling it deep that all the heartache of a year has been worth it
2328. God Who doesn't abandon the work in us, even when we declare it loud that we think He's abandoned us
2329. Working coming in at last, afternoon hours filled up
2330. Craning my neck while I work, trying to watch the sun go down
2331. Giving in to the beauty, pausing work for just a minute while I reach out the window to snap a photo
2332. Quiet Saturday, only a bit of work here and there
2333. Learning to trust as the hours of work keeping adding up to "not enough"
2334. Picking out new teas with the birthday giftcard
2335. Spending time in the Word, God already teaching me about the name of 2013
2336. Opening up the curtains just in time to see the morning sun turning the horizon pink
2337. How the sun keeps rising and setting and I'm staring at the sky, all this beauty breathing hope into a soul
2338. Writing a poem for the first time in months, that one hard stanza working itself out at last
2339. Catching the mistake in the knitting pattern before it becomes a mistake in my work
2340. Making sense of the hard pattern, continuing on with a bit of confidence
2341. First week of Joy Dare 2013 complete, a whole year of days still stretching out before us
2342. Being confident of this: God will *not* abandon. God *will* be faithful.
because all I know is this:
I'm lost and I'm weighed down
and where I've
built the house of a life--
it's not my home
But I'm the foolish one
who's stone-blind
to the one thing
I really need to know:
God's my home
and I'm already in Him--
I'm already home
I wonder how
I've spent a whole life
for what's been here
all along,
but none of that
matters now,
only this:
I've been found
and I've been held
and I've been
given a new name.
Because God is love
and I am loved--
yes, Love is my home.
Now I finally hear it
sure and strong,
every heartbeat
drumming it out loud:
"Welcome home, Beloved.
Welcome home."
This poem's been a year in the making, my third Psalm of Ascent. You can read the rest of the story behind the third Psalm of Ascent here: If You're Looking for a Home .
To catch up on the whole series:
First Psalm of Ascent:
How to Begin the Long Road
Second Psalm of Ascent:
When You're In Need of Protection
When You Want to Make the Words Your Own

Giving thanks for a week of Him....
2301. Waking up to a new year with hope and anticipation
2302. Rooftops covered in frost
2303. Clocking of for work on New Year's Day and finding there isn't any
2304. Mom and Dad helping me undecorate the Christmas tree
2305. Dad trying to vacuum up the needles and making a mess of things instead
2306. Me laughing so hard at Dad that I've got tears running down my cheeks
2307. Christmas decorations all back in their boxes, and the boxes all back in storage
2308. That big empty space where the tree used to stand
2309. Leaving a garland of beads across the window and paper snowflakes all over the walls--a bit of cheer to welcome in the new year.
2310. Another day without work, a chance to exercise the trust muscles
2311. God Who always provides, even when the job doesn't
2312. Dad and me cooking dinner together
2313. Sunny skies all day, the air cold cold COLD
2314. That golden horizon at sunset, me stretching the arm out the window to capture the beauty with a camera
2315. Friend's baby girl arriving safe in the world at long last, her name meaning Balm of God
2316. Amaryllis bud now half a foot tall
2317. Work! A full day!!
2318. Buddy Cat sunbathing on my desk, him on his back with all four legs in the air
2319. Sun streaming in the window all morning, me having to strip off sweater and blanket
2320. Annabelle Cat moving back and forth from sun to shade--too hot! too cold! too hot!
2321. Packing a whole bag of teas to bring to a friend's house
2322. Celebrating her birthday with tea and pie and one solitary candle
2323. Afternoon full of laughter and friendship and sweet conversation
2324. Picking up the knitting project twice in one day, finding a rhythm after long weeks of busyness
2325. Morning without work, time for writing, knitting, and breathing
2326. Being emptied out by God, Him making room for Himself
2327. Feeling it deep that all the heartache of a year has been worth it
2328. God Who doesn't abandon the work in us, even when we declare it loud that we think He's abandoned us
2329. Working coming in at last, afternoon hours filled up
2330. Craning my neck while I work, trying to watch the sun go down
2331. Giving in to the beauty, pausing work for just a minute while I reach out the window to snap a photo
2332. Quiet Saturday, only a bit of work here and there
2333. Learning to trust as the hours of work keeping adding up to "not enough"
2334. Picking out new teas with the birthday giftcard
2335. Spending time in the Word, God already teaching me about the name of 2013
2336. Opening up the curtains just in time to see the morning sun turning the horizon pink
2337. How the sun keeps rising and setting and I'm staring at the sky, all this beauty breathing hope into a soul
2338. Writing a poem for the first time in months, that one hard stanza working itself out at last
2339. Catching the mistake in the knitting pattern before it becomes a mistake in my work
2340. Making sense of the hard pattern, continuing on with a bit of confidence
2341. First week of Joy Dare 2013 complete, a whole year of days still stretching out before us
2342. Being confident of this: God will *not* abandon. God *will* be faithful.
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