A Few Changes...

I've been working hard this week to make a few changes here at Growing Is Beautiful, and I'm so pleased with the results.

The most exciting change by far is that I transferred my blog feed over to Feedburner.  What does that mean?  Well, it means a lot of things for me, but for you it means this:  You can now subscribe to Growing Is Beautiful by email!  If you sign up for this feature, you'll get an email whenever I post something new to the blog--and the entire new post will be contained in the email, complete with photos and links.  If I don't post anything, you'll get no email.  If I post more than once in a day, you'll still only get one email containing all the new posts from that day.  And best of all, it's completely FREE.  A few of you have been asking for this feature and I'm thrilled to be able to offer it.

If you want to subscribe by email, look for the box in my right sidebar where you can enter your email address and hit "subscribe."  A verification window will pop up, and once you complete that, you'll receive a confirmation email at the address you entered.  You'll need to click the link in the confirmation email in order to activate your subscription.  This protects you from being subscribed to the feed by someone else entering your email address without your consent.

The other changes I've made are not quite as exciting but still worth mentioning.  First, I decided to utilize the recently added "pages" feature in Blogger, which means a lot of information that used to be in my sidebar is now located in the tabs at the top of the page, just beneath the header photo.  This is where you can find the link to my photography site, information about my books, and my contact address.  Second, with a whole lot less information in my sidebar, I was able to switch back to a two-column format for the blog--allowing for slightly larger photos in my posts as well as a simpler design overall.  Third, I added a site-specific search box to my sidebar, which means you can now easily search Growing Is Beautiful for whatever you are looking for.

I'm very happy with end result of all these changes and I hope you will be, too.  As always, if you have a question or can't find something, leave a comment here or send me a note at Courtney {at} GrowingIsBeautiful {dot} com.


  1. i may just have to copy you, my friend - though, i've never figured out the "pages" feature. could be my hair colour though.

    love the new look!!


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