Remember the Light, the Color, the Beauty

About 6 weeks ago, I spent a couple afternoons in one of my favorite places:  The Washington Park Arboretum.  I took advantage of the unseasonably beautiful weather to enjoy the last of the summer blooms and the beginnings of the fall colors.  And of course, I took many, many pictures.

I had wanted to post these pictures quite a while ago, but the whole organize-my-life thing got in the way.  I was lamenting that fact until I pulled up my photos last week on a rather dark and dreary day.  Looking through the pictures lifted my spirits immensely.  The sunlight, the blue sky, the brilliant colors--all of it reminded me of the beauty that is Autumn.

I often joke about Seattle having two seasons:  Rainy and Summer.  The rainy season, of course, is 9 months long.  And there are certainly years when that isn't even an exaggeration.  I know all of you Pacific Northwesterners know what I'm talking about.

But we were blessed these last couple months with more sun than we saw for much of the summer.  And even though this was kind of an anomaly weather wise, the beauty of this season wasn't an anomaly.  It's just that sometimes we miss it amidst the clouds and the rain.  And sometimes we simply forget it as soon as the darker days roll in.

Every time I look through this set of pictures, I remember the light, the color, the beauty of Autumn.  Of the created world around us.  Of the One who made it so.

And when I remember, my heart nearly bursts with Hope.

Maybe yours will, too.


Here are a few of my favorites from this set...

Many pictures of Witch Hazel trees (but then, you already knew about that obsession, didn't you?) like these:

The lighting on this photo of the Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum) gives it a sense of mystery that I love:

The ever-beautiful Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) looking splendidly colorful here:

I discovered a couple of Nyssa sylvatica trees out in the grass fields on the west side of the Arboretum, and they were spectacular:

Something about the sunlight and the color of these dogwood leaves makes me happy.  Who said pink can't be a fall color?

Two perfect sun flares in one picture?  Love, love, love:

You can see the whole set by watching the slideshow embedded below or you can view the slideshow full size by clicking HERE.

 (All pictures taken with the Nikon D50 camera and the Tamron 90 mm macro lens)


  1. Ahhh, my dear, God (and His creation) is breath-taking; His blessing you with such an amazing eye and persistent heart - chasing after beauty - is Inspiring. Thank you for sharing - lifted my spirits on a dreary, PNW day. =)


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