Well, I'm cutting it a little close this week. There are less than 2 hours before Thursday is officially over (at least here on the West Coast) and I am just now starting my Thankful Thursday post. But it is still Thursday and I am thankful, so I guess that's what matters. I will say that my list may be a bit briefer this week in the interest of getting to bed sooner rather than later!
*I am thankful—ecstatic, really—for the beautiful sunny, warm, blue-sky weather we had this past weekend. I am always grateful when the sun comes out, but to have it be sunny AND warm AND on a weekend AND when I had time to enjoy it, really that is a rarity in this part of the world. Sunshine is good medicine for a weary soul—I'm sure that's in Proverbs. Okay, maybe not. But it should be.
*I am thankful for the chance to get out and photograph the beginnings of spring. What an awesome thing it is to witness nature coming to life again, and to be up close and personal with it as it's happening.
*I am thankful for the joy that always comes to me from photographing the details of creation. I never grow weary of it. And it is such a blessing to have something so simple that consistently brings me joy.
*I am thankful that my magnolia tree survived the winter and is now slowly bursting into bloom. I have seen other magnolias of the same variety around town, and they have been blooming for a couple weeks. I was afraid mine wasn't going to bloom after the hard winter and I have been rejoicing this week to see my little tree finally breaking bud.
*I am thankful for my new doctor and the glimmers of hope I now have regarding some of my chronic health issues.
*I am thankful for the way God brings revelation to me through my own writing. You may not believe this, but most of the blogs I have written so far have turned out completely different than what I intended them to be. For instance, yesterday's blog about cherry blossoms and maple trees—all I wanted to do was share these cool pictures of the maple I had taken. But somehow I ended up seeing myself in that tree, understanding that is represented something I didn't even know I needed to express. I am thankful that God can speak to me even when I think I am the one talking.
*I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for.
Okay, it's off to bed for me. I hope wherever you are right now, you can stop for a moment and express gratitude for all the blessings in your life, both the big and the small, the obvious and the hidden. We all have much to be thankful for.
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